Dr Magdalena Skrodzka
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr Magdalena Skrodzka is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick.
As part of the Social Identity Model of Trauma and Identity Change (SIMTIC) project with Prof Orla Muldoon, Magdalena's work focuses on the relation between social identity change and post-traumatic growth, and its implications for clinical and social outcomes.
Working with Prof Orla Muldoon's team is a great continuation of Magdalena's research interest presented in her PhD project at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw. She conducted the research in Poland (among Lemkos, Ukrainian minority, and Poles), Hungary and Iraqi Kurdistan which showed that when a social identity supports groups' historical trauma coping, recalling tragic history doesn’t need to be associated with repercussions for contemporary groups’ members.
Dr Magdalena Skrodzka is a graduate of postgraduate studies on Contemporary International Migration in the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw. She is a co-author of research about divergent effects of identification on acculturation stress among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland. As a visiting scholar at Clark University, in collaboration with Prof Johanna Ray Vollhardt, she conducted research about collective victim beliefs in the aftermath of historical trauma and their effects on psychological well-being among Polish diaspora in the US.