Current Projects
Here's a sample of some of our ongoing projects. From time to time we might be actively recruiting for new studies, if so a "Take Part" option will appear on our page! We would love for you to take part in our research. If you have any questions about the projects please get in touch!
Call for studies and/or data: Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of group-based interventions for PTSD symptoms.
We are conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of group-based interventions on PTSD symptoms (published protocol forthcoming in Campbell Systematic Reviews).
We are seeking unpublished, or nearly published data, including student data as well as raw data from published studies.
Studies/Data need to meet the following criteria:
A group intervention and either: (i) a comparable individual-level treatment (e.g., group CBT vs individual CBT) and/or (ii) a control condition (e.g., waitlist control, treatment as usual, minimal attention group).
Participants in the treatment conditions need to have been referred to the treatment by a clinician and/or 70% of the sample need to screen positive for PTSD.
Pre- and post-intervention measures of PTSD are needed (continuous measures).
PTSD symptoms must be the target of the intervention.
Groups need a minimum of 3 people, and must meet for a minimum of 5 sessions to be considered in this review.
Adult only samples (>18 years).
Please contact Siobhan.Griffin@ul.ie if you have data or a study that meets the above criteria. Please also get in touch if you have any queries or if you are unsure if your work meets the criteria of this review.
This work is funded by an ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Prof Muldoon.
Mother and Baby Home Survivor Research
The Centre for Social Issues Research (CSI-r) at the University of Limerick has secured a contract to conduct research on the needs of survivors of Mother and Baby homes. They are keen to hear directly from survivors. Researchers will meet with mothers and adults who were babies in mother and baby homes to explore their needs and discuss what is important for improving the support systems currently in place.
Survivors who wish to share their stories and participate in the research may contact the University of Limerick via email with complete confidentiality. These conversations will take no longer than an hour. They can be conducted at the University of Limerick or any location the person chooses. Participants will have a chance to review their contributions and will also be offered an opportunity to give feedback on draft reports.
Peer Support Groups
We are working with a number of NGOs and other organizations that are running peer support groups to access the efficacy of these groups.
If your organization runs peer support groups please contact Growth@ul.ie or Siobhan.Griffin@ul.ie if you are interested in working with us!
Funded by an European Research Council Grant awarded to Prof Muldoon (SIMTIC, Grant agreement ID: 884927).
The Body Project
Developed by the Oregon Research Institute, The Body Project is a dissonance-based body-acceptance program designed to help people resist and challenge cultural pressures to conform to the appearance ideal standard of beauty and reduce their pursuit of unrealistic bodies. These peer support groups help us to learn how to combat negative body talk and gain strategies on how to support ourselves and others through times of negative body image.
We are delighted to announce that this program is taking place in UL in Autumn 2022!!
The Moving to University Biomarker Project
This project is looking at what factors predict adjustment to university, or indeed a lack of adjustment.
Data collection has ceased for this project - stay tuned for the results!
This project is funded by an EHS Seed Funding grant, awarded to Dr Siobhán Griffin.
Please contact Siobhan.Griffin@ul.ie if you are interested in learning more about this project.